This circuit breaker finder quickly and easily identifies the correct circuit breaker protecting a specific electrical circuit. The R5500 also features a receptacle tester to identify faulty...
This circuit breaker finder quickly and easily identifies the correct circuit breaker protecting a specific electrical circuit. The R5500 also features a receptacle tester to identify faulty wiring and a GFCI check button.
Simply plug the transmitter into a receptacle and scan breaker box to identify the circuit
Audible (buzzer) and visual (LED) indicators assist in identification
REED R5500 Applications The REED R5500 Circuit Breaker Finder can be used in home and industrial applications where wire or cable carrying alternating current must be located, repaired or replaced. The transmitter can be used as a standalone instrument to verify the proper wiring of receptacles and/or GFCI receptacles are functioning correctly. What's included with the REED R5500